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MP 12.1 PowerShot SD780IS Canon data

I'd like Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP to be bigger and heavier.. I'd like Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP to be bigger and heavier. I miss the feel of my old Nikon F2.
Lived up to the hype. PROs: I am thrilled with Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP camera. After doing some research for a couple of months between Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP camera, the nikon d80 and the prestigious canon 40d, I decided on the XSi for my needs. Best overall price to my performance needs. Image quality is fantastic, even though the kit lens is at best, good. Going to purchase a 50mm 1.4, 70-200 4L, and a better walk around lens as soon as I get completely sick of the 18-55 IS kit lens, but for now its a good starter lens. Though I honestly think the nikon d80 and the 40d are better cameras for experienced and serious users, primarily I am loyal to Canon (best brand) and the 40d is just too bulky and expensive for me. I don't need all the extra bells and whistles provided by the 40d at Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP point of my life.
If you want a light, easy to use and learn (for first time users), long lasting battery (about 500 images), nice clear LCD and fairly cheap price to performance ratio Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP camera blows out all nikons, pentax, and sony's out there for the beginner/transitioning to intermediate shooters. I chose Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP camera over the 40d because its more suitable for me and most importantly I can use the price difference between the XSi and the 40d to get my 70-200 4L for free basically.

Cons: Again the common gripe over the grip, but honestly its not that bad if you have small to medium size hands. you will adapt quickly as the pro's of the camera immediately mask any cons present. No better kit lens option out yet.

Overall: Fantastic lens for beginner/beginner-intermediate users as the vast majority of professional reviews have stated...

Note: Please get a nice memory card I recommend the 4 or 8GB SanDisk EXTREME III (it's worth the extra $5-10) or any SDHC that is class 6, save a little change for some other lenses as you will fall in love with Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP camera and will be compelled to buy more lenses, and lastly buy some decent filters as you will appreciate the image quality and protection they provide. the RC-1 is a nice accessory. I hope Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP was helpful for you as all the other reviews were helpful to me.
Great Camera For The Beginning Photographer. I'm a photo enthusiast who's been using the Canon XSi for six months now and here are my impressions.

Weight/Handling: First off, the camera is really light. If anyone tells you that this camera is heavy, then they probably never held a full-frame professional DSLR. The light weight makes Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP a joy to carry around when traveling. However, serious/pro photographers might feel that the small weight and size lend to an unprofessional feel. Also, this is a minor point, but the shutter makes a high pitched noise as opposed to more professional cameras that have a low, unobtrusive noise. This camera doesn't have too many buttons, as opposed to Nikon cameras. Rather, many of the more specialized functions have to be accessed through menus. Some people will find this very annoying. I personally don't mind. In addition, if you have big hands, you will have a hard maintaining a comfortable grip on the camera because the grip is rather small. If this is the case, consider purchasing the optional battery grip.

Image Quality: At low ISO settings, the image quality is very good and I actually performed a professional portrait shoot using this camera. The 12 megapixels are enough to get good 8x12inch prints, and in really ideal situations with a good lens, proper lighting, exposure, etc, you might be able to squeeze out 12x18inch prints. At ISO 800 and above, noise does become perceptible and if you use heavy amounts of sharpening, images will appear quite nasty. However, if you stay away from over-sharpening at high ISO's, a small amount of software noise reduction should take care of most problems. Thus, this camera is not very good in situations with low light AND moving subjects, such as parties. For this reason, I am considering upgrading to the 5D for better noise handling. And remember, image quality has more to do with a good lens than Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP has to do with with a camera's megapixel number.

Kit Lens: The kit lens is enough to handle basic photographic needs. My personal copy of the lens is very sharp in the center but you might not be so lucky. The focus ring is REALLY TINY and so if you're a manual focus type of person, you'll want to find a new lens very quickly. Also, if you want to take pictures of your kids playing sports or indoor pictures with lots of moving people, consider getting a faster lens. For sports, I recommend the 55-250 IS, 70-300IS, or if you can afford it, the 70-200 2.8L. For indoor/low-light photography, consider augmenting your kit with a prime lens such as the 50mm 1.8, 50mm 1.4, or if you know about the benefits of the L series of Canon lens, I probably don't need to refer you to any more lenses.

Other Issues: The on-camera flash is almost completely useless for taking pictures of people in dim lighting. Why? Because Canon's engineers somehow decided that they should have the flash fire 5-10 quick bursts to assist the camera's various sensors. Trust me, your subjects will not appreciate your flash firing off like a machine gun in front of their face. I highly recommend an external flash like the 420ex or 430ex if you're getting this camera to solve that problem. Nikon users will not have to deal with the problem.

Overall Impressions: If you're just getting into the world of DSLRs or you're a photo enthusiast strapped for cash (like me), the XSi is a great choice to start out on and with skilled use, its hardware is capable of achieving very good results. Also, by choosing Canon, you have access to the largest selection of lenses. I've taken some great pictures with this camera and I plan to keep Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP around. However, you might also want to evaluate the Canon 40D and the Nikon D90.

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